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How Do HR Help Employees Release Work-Related Stress?

30 octobre 2018

Do you know that you spend about 35 percent of your life at work? Considering all the stress you are under during your time in the office, it seems as if a third of your life is wasted on worries and bad feelings. Our bodies are not designed to be under stress for such a long time. Eventually, we give up, and we face a variety of unpleasant effects.

Stressed-out employees suffer from chronic conditions and experience the decrease in brain activity. As a result, the productivity drops, and the company suffers from an unexpected profit loss. That’s why it’s vital for HR departments to come up with efficient methods to help employees release work-related stress.

5 Signs Your Employees Are Under Work-Related Stress

1. Loss of appetite – Stress-out people experience a loss of appetite, which leads to weight loss and lack of energy.
2. Irritation and aggression – When employees are under a lot of stress, they become irritated and aggressive. Their behavioral patterns change drastically without a visible reason.
3. Lack of socializing – Stressed-out people stop being social. They tend to avoid others during lunchtime and prefer working on their own.
4. Becoming difficult – When employees are under stress at work, they become difficult to cope with even when it comes to matters outside the workspace.
5. Feeling ill - stressed-out people are more prone to various diseases. If your employees start calling in sick often, it could be a sign of work-related stress.

Research has shown that about 80 percent of workers are under stress at their workplaces. Half of them admit they need help with stress management. More than 40 percent of workers believe their co-workers require stress management assistance.

How Can You Help Employees Release Work-Related Stress?

Recognizing work-related stress is the first step toward creating a healthy and productive work environment. HR departments are responsible for preventing difficult situations related to the lack of work-related stress release. Let’s discuss several simple steps you can take to deal with such stress.

1. Watch The Employees Carefully

Catching the effects of work-related stress as quickly as possible can help you deal with it before it becomes acute.

2. Discuss Possibility Of Stress

It’s important to talk to the employees and let them know the first symptoms of work-related stress. This can help them start dealing with the problem before it has a negative effect on their lives.

3. Establish Social Times and Zones

Designing special facilities to help employees relax and forget about work problems is one of the most efficient ways to deal with stress. When people have a place to go to and relax, they can replenish the energy lost while dealing with work-related problems.

4. Active Workspace

Exercising is one of the easiest and healthiest ways to reduce work-related stress. That’s why some managers introduce meetings on the go. Meanwhile, others design fitness rooms in their office buildings. Such simulators as Flexispot Desk Bike V9 can become an integral part of any workspace, making stress relief fun and easy.

5. Be Open To Discussion

Heated situations at work are common, and they contribute to stress. The HR department, as well as managers, have to show that they are always open to discussion. When employees know they can share their worries, most problems tend to stay small.

6. Get Moving

Sitting at the desk all day doesn’t encourage a productive mood. It’s important to get people to move. Some companies give employees special time to take walks. Others design the workspace in such a way that movement is unavoidable. Flexispot Desk Bike V9 can keep the staff moving during their free time or while at a meeting.