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8 Easy Ways Even Lazy People Can Exercise Daily

30 octobre 2018

Most of us understand that exercise is good for us. It helps keeps our bodies fit, our weight consistent, and our spirits lifted. But actually keeping up a regular exercise routine is easier said than done. For some people, exercising sounds about as fun as going to the dentist, and happens just as often. If you’re one of those people, this guide is for you. We’re sharing 8 tips to help you start exercising no matter how lazy you are.

1. Stand up once an hour

Sometimes you have to start with the basics. We’re all full of excuses about why we can’t make time to exercise, or why our lifestyles are becoming increasingly sedentary. But anyone can commit to standing up at least once an hour to use the bathroom, refill their water glass, or go say hello to a coworker. You have to start somewhere, and standing up more often is as good a starting point as any. A height-adjustable desk with a built-in reminder system can help you remember to stand even when you’re so absorbed in your work that you lose track of time.

2. Park at the farthest end of the parking lot

We’re all used to scouring the parking lot for an open spot as close to the doors as possible. We challenge you to do the opposite and park as far away from the entrance as you can. Parking farther away will force you to walk a little bit extra every time you run errands. And when you’re leading an otherwise sedentary lifestyle, even a little bit extra makes a difference.

3. Clean your home more often

This might seem like odd advice to include on a list of exercise tips, but household chores like vacuuming or changing the sheets can actually get your heart pumping. Haven’t you ever broken a sweat while cleaning the bathroom? Exactly. So break out the mop more often—you’ll burn calories, and you’ll get a cleaner house in the process!

4. Take the stairs

Do you typically ride the elevator to get to where you live or work? Ditch the elevator and start taking the stairs. Climbing stairs elevates your heart rate and works your thigh and calf muscles, making stairs a great everyday workout. If taking the stairs everywhere you go sounds too difficult, start by making one substitution a day, adding one every week until you’re exclusively taking the stairs.

5. Exercise while doing something you love

Many people swear by watching TV while they exercise. It’s a genius trick: take something you hate (exercise) and make it less terrible by combining it with something you love (TV). While some people walk or run on the treadmill while watching TV, we recommend doing an activity with less risk of falling. A stationary bike like the V9 Deskcise Pro allows you to safely pedal for miles while watching your favorite show.

6. Go on a walk instead of out for coffee

Making plans to meet up with a friend? Skip the coffee or the cocktail and suggest going for a walk instead. You can still gossip and catch up, but you’ll be getting some good exercise in while you’re at it! And unlike going on a run, you’ll actually be able to hold a conversation without panting.

7. Work out at home

If driving to the gym sounds like more work than the actual workout, don’t waste your money on a gym membership. You can work out in the comfort of your own home. There are hundreds of guided exercise videos on YouTube that you can follow, or you can create your own workout. Even doing 15 minutes of sit-ups, pushups, and jumping jacks is a good start.

8. Start small

A lot of people quit exercising before they even start because they build it up into an all-or-nothing proposition in their heads. You don’t have to go straight from spending nights on your couch to spending a full hour at the gym everyday. Start with something more manageable, like committing to doing 10 pushups and 10 sit-ups every day. We all start somewhere, and pretty soon what was once your workout will become your warm-up.